West Prong, Little Pigeon River, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee © Doug Hickok
Most of this soggy summer has been a rush of family events. We have made three road trips to Ohio in the last 60 days. Once for the Schulte family reunion.. a jaunt into the past and getting in touch with the present. Next for our niece's wedding... a wonderful new beginning for Sarah and Mike. Last weekend we made our third road trip. This time we helped move our son in with his cousin... another new beginning, especially when he experiences his first midwestern winter!
Since our daughter moved out of the house last year (and is now applying to grad schools), we are officially "empty nesters". We are experiencing a flood of mixed emotions. It is exciting to watch our talented children growing into adulthood, flourishing as amazing individuals. As for us, we are traveling on a new tributary, enjoying a strangely quiet home, filled with distant echos of tiny babbling voices and bubbling laughter.
As we returned to South Carolina, we drove through the deluge of Tropical Storm Lee. We stopped briefly in the Great Smoky Mountains where streams and rivulets buoyantly cascaded... each drop of water on its newest journey... like the new beginnings of each member of our family.
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