Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Luxury Bathroom Designs - Alcove Or Drop-In Whirlpool Tubs

Although there are many design ideas for luxury bathrooms, you can almost bet with certainty that the design will include a whirlpool bathtubs as its centerpiece. If you're a beginner to bathroom design, the very first thing you need to know is which style of whirlpool bathtub fits your style as space. There are two basic types of whirlpool bathtubs: traditional alcove (or apron-style) or drop-in models. There are no hard-and-fast rules, but many of the very upscale, luxurious whirlpool bath tub models seem to favor the drop-in rather than the alcove style.

Alcove tub
Generally speaking, the look of the alcove tub will be just like a regular bathtub. These whirlpool tubs are enclosed by the wall on three sides (and you will get in the tub via the front). Alcove tubs are also called apron tubs after the technical name for the exposed front panel. Some homeowners prefer to install alcove-style whirlpool tubs because they fit well in standard size bathrooms. Not the mention the fact that it is easy to replace your old alcove tub with an updated whirlpool model - just make sure they are the same length, width, and depth. Usually, these whirlpool tubs are cheaper than drop-in styles. The exposed front panel of the alcove whirlpool tub is also removable. This leaves easy access to the motor for maintenance or part replacement.
Drop-in tubs
Drop-in style tubs are often built into a platform or even fitted into the floor! Usually, the platform will be covered with marble, wood, ceramic, or granite tiles. There is a a lot of versatility with where you can place this style of whirlpool tub in your bathroom. You will find different models incorporated into luxury bathroom design as free-standing or even corner tubs. You are also more likely to find two-person models in the drop-in style. Also these model comes in a variety of shapes from square, oval, diamond, heart, just to name a few. You may need to forget about self-installation because these tubs often have complex plumbing requirements, making it necessary to hire a contractor.
In order to pick the right style of whirlpool bathtub, consider this: If you have a tighter budget and are only interested in a single-person model, the alcove whirlpool tub may be right for you. However, if you have more bathroom space, can afford to hire a contractor, and are more interested in one-of-a-kind design, then perhaps the drop-in whirlpool bath tub is the best choice for your luxury bathroom!
Searching for the perfect whirlpool tub at the best price? Visit the Luxury Whirlpool Bath Tubs buying guide for free information, great deals, and money-saving coupons on where to buy discount whirlpool tubs for your next bathroom remodeling project.
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