Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dorm Room

As much as I do love the look of a gorgeous bunk room, I have found that bunk beds really are such a pain to make. Lately I have been preferring the look of a large dorm room with rows of single beds like the picture above. I love the lidded basket placed at the end of each bed - perfect for storing each person's clothes in. I personally would be much happier making these beds instead of numerous bunk beds.

image -
cote maison via aged & gilded

Outdoor Wednesday+Watery Wednesday

Outdoor Wednesday and Watery Wednesday,of two memes I like to participate in.
Today more pictures from the "Keukenhof" .No tulips today but more pictures of different plants in the glasshouse and one of the park. For watery Wednesday I have this picture of this sort of houseboat in a canal very near the "Keukenhof
Ï love houseboats.
NOw don't forget to enter my giveaway. The link is on the sidebar. My followerslist is at the bottom of my blog so just scroll down.



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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

'Extinct' plant flowers, in Dublin’s National Botanical Gardens

This is a story I have just come across, posted on the RHS website. Apparently just a few minutes drive from where I am sitting, in the National Botanical Gardens in Dublin, an abutilon thought extinct until just a few years ago has produced multiple flowers for the first time.

Abutilon pitcairnense, found only on the small island of Pitcairn near French Polynesia in the South Pacific, was presumed extinct until 2002, when the chance discovery of a single remaining plant by local nursery-owner Carol Warren led to intensive efforts to save it.

The first cuttings, brought back to Ireland by botanist Dr Noeleen Smyth, rooted and produced a single flower in 2005 but were unable to set seed. Now, after several years of bulking up from further cuttings, more than 20 of the plants have burst into flower simultaneously.
"We want to build the most genetically diverse population possible," said Noeleen. "All we have at the moment are clones but we want to see what's happening at a genetic level and get as many individuals as possible."

The original plant has since been destroyed by a landslide, so more cuttings are being distributed to other botanic gardens such as Kew to ensure their long-term survival. It's hoped that within a year or two the plants can be returned to Pitcairn to re-establish a population in the wild.

Original post can be found here

Decorating A New Home {Over Time}

When I look at these images I love that they are all so casual and not overly decorated. I am leaning towards this more pared back look in our new house. I want it to be a home where we can relax and not be too worried about the white slip covered sofa when the big 1 year old {yes he turned 1 yesterday} Golden Retriever jumps up on it.

I am dreaming of faded denim fabrics on sofas, washed out florals and checks and stripes and mismatched pieces of cane furniture on the verandahs - not new cane - old mismatched cane collected over time. I will retain all of our Antique pieces of furniture which Brad & I have collected over the years. That's what I love about Antiques...they transcend fashion and trends, they are the pieces we hold onto and they are the pieces we pass onto our loved ones. I find I never tire of my Antique pieces. It's the mass-produced pieces I tire of very quickly.

This time round Harry and Brad have made me promise not to have the floors painted white. My obsession with keeping our current white-painted floors clean is all too much for my boys. All the internal walls will be painted my usual white but this time I think we might just sand back the old wide plank floorboards and apply an oiled, not glossy finish.

Everything about this house will be about living and enjoying and adding to it over time. I find that so many people {me included} rush into renovating or decorating a new home. I have learnt that you must live in a house for a period of time before you start the process of change....something my mother has been trying to instill in me for years!!

This time, I am going to take my time and enjoy the process of decorating the house which my children will call home for many, many years to come.

image 1 - pamela easton's home via creative homes, image 2 - deborah needleman's home via lonny, image 3 - via charlotte, image 4 - via charlotte, image 5 via lonny

My world Tuesday

For My World Tuesday I go on showing pictures from the "Keukenhof" the most beautiful spring garden in the World"
Today I start with all sorts of red tulips in the glass house. Those open red and white tulips are almost as big as an open hand. Stunning.
Please click on photo's to enlarge.


For more world pictures go here.
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Monday, March 29, 2010

Best Home Design series of Modern Room Flooring at a Penthouse

wood flooring for modern living room design
Wood flooring is one of the best flooring design, here is the sample of the use of wood material on flooring, cabinetry, kitchen cabinet, and another storage system of this penthouse unit. This beautiful penthouse is located in Boston, Just enjoy and see these beautiful home furnishing and it's wooden flooring.
wood flooring for modern kitchen design

wood flooring for modern bedroom design

wood flooring and cabinetry for modern room design

wood flooring for modern room design

Nursery Thoughts...

My friends keep reminding me that I have a baby's room to decorate. With approximately 8 weeks to go I decided last week that I needed to at least get a few things organised.

My few things ended up turning into a complete room scheme for our little bundle. It all started with the original joker water colour by Rupert Hamilton dated 1916 which I stumbled across at a little Antique store here in Brisbane last week. I then decided I would collect a few bits and pieces to work back with it to create an artwork cluster wall full of lovely colour.

From there I selected the watermelon coloured Brunschwig & Fils Ikat which I am having an old chair I have recovered in and a lampshade for a floor lamp will be made in the small patterned chinnoiserie fabric. I also have an old Eastern embroidered piece of cloth which I will have made into a little cushion for the chair.

Over the weekend I started to wonder what I would use as a change table so Harry and I made a quick visit to our friend Nick Wallrock on Saturday morning {the most wonderful European Antique store in Brisbane}. We purchased a lovely circa 1780 Swedish Walnut cabinet from Nick which will be perfect.

I plan to use fresh white bed linen for the turned white timber painted cot which I picked up on Ebay for a mere $57.00 {a new mattress will be made and it will be re-painted with a fresh coat of white paint} and a few little Etsy cuddly numbers will be hunted down over the coming weeks.

So I can now say to my friends...yes it is all under control, I am organised!! {Fingers crossed it will all be made in time!!}

I Love...

Every now and then I spot a room I absolutely love and this one above, as published in Elle Decor, is one of them. I think it's the lovely fresh colours against the all-white background, the dining chairs and the beautiful old marble fireplace which I love most!

image - elle decor via frolic via seesaw designs

Mosaic Monday + Blue Monday

It is Mosaic Monday and Blue Monday again. Mosaic Monday is hosted by Mary from The Little red House and Blue Monday is hosted by Sally from Smiling Sally .
For a few days i have been posting pictures from The most beautiful spring garden in the world "Keukenhof" As I explained there are still no tulips and narcissus and all sorts of other flowers in the fields but lots of them in the glass houses.Will post some of them in the rest of the week. Today I have a blue mosaic and two more blue pictures. Love those blue hyacinths, that colour is amazing.
Don't forget to enter my give-away. The link is on the sidebar.



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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Scenic Sunday

Scenic Sunday again and today I want to show more of my pictures I made in the "Keukenhof" the most beautiful spring garden in the world" It is not only flowers there but also a lot of art .



For more scenic pictures go to
Don't forget to enter my give away. The link is on the sidebar.
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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Week of March 22: Foundation Insulation

Hello again,
This week was a series of stops and starts. All is good, spirits are high and we are all happy to come to work every day. Yay for CLAM...........Terry

Drains for roof downspouts. They run around foundation and down hill to the far south end of the property near the school where they terminate in a rock drain trench. Under this drain is the drain for the ground water which connects to the same.

We used the dirt we dug out of the footprint to backfill around the foundation.

This foam board is designed to stand up to the heavy loads concrete slabs deliver. Pricey stuff but this insulation will be silently saving energy and reducing carbon production for perhaps a hundred years or more.

Setting ABS waste lines that run through rock bed under the concrete slab.
Here Joel Langdon is glueing up waste line for kitchen sink. There are two lines in the foreground. The fatter one on right is the toilet waste; the other is a gray water line that will pick up the tub/shower and bath sink. For now they will join together outside the foundation and empty into to septic. This makes the house "gray water ready" which means that later when the County comes out with a comprehensive gray water plan, we will be able to separate all the household water for landscaping, leaving only the toilet water to continue into the septic.
The living space wall that separates the bedroom from the living room will stand above the concrete wall that is crossing the rock pit. The brown piece of wood is approx where the hallway continues into the bedroom and bath.

Sebastian tamping down the surface of the leveled rock pit.

First layer of foam board laid over plastic which is laid over the rock. White pipe sticking up is receiver for roof gutter downspout.

Second layer of 3" foam board on top of 4".The top layer of foam was set on top a wet bed of foam along every seam of foam underneath.

Top sheets of foam were wet sealed with a foam gun along every blue foam seam and along the concrete wall connection.

Plastic then covers the completed double foam layer giving us a 7" foam bed upon which the concrete slab, which is also the finished floor, will rest.

End of day-rebar/steel, laid out on top of plastic for Monday's work.

Pink Saturday

Another Pink Saturday again. Doesn't time fly. This weekly meme is hosted by the gracious Beverly from How Sweet the Sound. A few days ago we visited "Keukenhof" the most beautiful spring garden in the world" I made many, many pictures and for the first couple of days I will be showing some of them. I picked some with pink for today. Notice that all these beautiful flowers are grown inside . The park is full with still growing tulips and narcissus amongst other flowers but they are not in full bloom yet. That will take a few more weeks and then I would love to go again to see all that. It must be fantastic.



The hyacinths and tulips on these photo's are in grown in pots probably inside.

For more pink photo's go to Beverly's blog, there is a list of all the participants of this beautiful day.

Now please notice that I have a give away.
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Friday, March 26, 2010


Something went wrong with my last post, this picture was supposed to be the first in a row. PLease read my last post.
This morning I saw that I have almost 100 followers. To celebrate that I will have a give away. Here are the rules to enter the draw. You need to be a follower and be commenting on my blog today or next week when I show my pictures from the "Keukenhof" OK? Oh and tell me you want to participate.The prize is a surprise.
I will be drawing April 8. Spread the word and please mention it on your blog.

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Weekend reflections.

It is time for Weekend Reflections again. THis meme is hosted by James from NewTown Area Photo.
Two days ago we visited " The most beautiful spring garden in the world called "Keukenhof" I must tell you it is fantastic. I made almost 300 pictures of the most beautiful flowers you can think of. So for the next couple of days I will be showing pictures of flowers in every colour you like. And I must tell you that almost all the flowers except for the crocusses were shown in glass houses. In a few weeks time all the tulips and narcissus outside will be in full bloom so I am sure I will be going again then.




For more reflection pictures go here.
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