Monday, May 31, 2010

Mosaic Monday and Blue Monday.


It is mosaic Monday again as every week  hosted by Mary from "The little red house.".

Here is my mosaic, mostly white.


2010-04-18 klein parkje

And for Blue Monday hosted by Sally from "Smiling Sally"  I made another mosaic  with lots of blue.

2010-05-24 de Meituin1

For mosaic Monday go here:

For Blue Monday go here:

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pink Saturday.


It is pink Saturday today and a very special one. It is anniversary pink Saturday. Pink Saturday has been here for two years. And that is worth a celebration. I made a collage of  pink flower pictures and of course balloons. The second collage I showed before. These are just some  pictures I showed on different Saturdays during the time that I participated . That is about one and a half year and I still love it.

2010-05-22 rose mary cottage3

9-10-2009, tuinen

Happy pink Saturday everybody. For more beautiful pink posts go to Beverly´s blog. Beverly is having a wonderful  give away, go have a look.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Weekend reflections

It is time for weekend reflections again.Like every week it is hosted by James from NewTown Area Photo.
These two pictures I made in the Rotterdam Arboretum..


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Out & About: SGAR Opening

Renai Grace & Paul Spiro stand in front of one of the paintings we purchased last night by artist Simone Louise Gillespie

This is the other Simone Louise Gillespie painting we purchased

It was so nice to get out of the tracksuit pants I've been sporting all week and into some proper clothes with make-up on last night to head out to the opening of Spiro Grace Art Rooms in Spring Hill.

Brad, Harry & I decided we needed some adult time out so we decided to leave Max with his gorgeous Nanny Rhonda for a few hours whilst we attended the gallery opening. I had my first glass of French champagne in 9 months upon arriving at the gallery. It went straight to my head of course. We ended up purchasing 2 paintings by emerging artist Simone Louise Gillespie. I was so thrilled we decided on them straight away as every painting I looked at as the night progressed had a sold sticker.

Gallery owners Paul Spiro {yes he is related to me - he is my uncle} and Renai Grace will be showcasing emerging {and therefore quite reasonably priced} artists in their space on a quarterly basis. I for one can't wait for their next exhibition.

For all enquiries or to be added to SGAR's mailing list email Renai

Modern Bedroom Design Furniture with Cherrywood in Orange by Arredamentidiotti

Modern Bedroom Design Furniture with Cherry wood in Orange by Arredamentidiotti
Orange and white color combination become a beautiful theme in a modern bedroom, see these beautiful bedroom furniture set, designed by Arredamentidiotti, a company that create several modern bedroom furniture set. They Selling world-famous and less reknowned brands is complemented by direct production in their artistically laboratory, thus allowing a winning fusion among customization needs, the most recent trends of important designers and keeping costs low.
Modern Bedroom Design Furniture with Cherry wood in Orange by Arredamentidiotti

Modern Bedroom Design Furniture with Cherry wood in Orange by Arredamentidiotti

Modern Bedroom Design Furniture with Cherry wood in Orange by Arredamentidiotti

Modern Bedroom Design Furniture with Cherry wood in Orange by Arredamentidiotti

Thursday, May 27, 2010

An Update


The shop renovation in progress

A snippet of one of the rooms in our new Design Studio

Last week we welcomed our second son, Max into the world. He is perfect in every way. Thank you for all your lovely emails and comments.

Our shop renovation is proceeding very well...still lots of work to be done. Our Design Studio is now in full swing upstairs. The girls and I are enjoying having a very special space just for our clients. Some photos are above for your viewing pleasure. I'll be back soon with some more news and posts. Just enjoying my newborn for the moment. Hope you are all well.



For Alphabe Thursday hosted by
Mrs Jenny Matlock we have to find words starting with he letter S this week. So here we go:

S is for Sunrise
S is for this Super Sky
S is for Sailingboats in a harbour
S is for Skates, our son and grandkids on the ice.
S is for our four Sons having so much fun.
S is for Sheep on a Sunny day
S is for Swans so beautiful
S is for SunSet, love that colour
S is for grandSon playing Soccer
S is for Sun, Sea and Sand in Spain
S is for my husband taking a Stroll on a Sunny Sunday Summer afternoon.


See you next week again.
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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I'm an alien I'm a legal alien, I'm a Gunnera in West Cork

Well without trying to upset anybody, I have to admit that Gunnera is one of my favourite perennial plants. This might be upsetting for some as there are people out there with a very strong opinion about them, but I will talk about that later on in the post. First I want to talk about the plant itself.

Gunnera is believed by some to be poisons, I even remember hearing this when I was young. So far I can not find anything to back that up, and it is not listed in the RHS toxic plant list.
Gunnera is a common sight in Ireland, however it is in fact an alien species and is actually a native to Chile and Argentina. There are two main varieties in Ireland Gunnera tinctoria and Gunnera manicata. It is important not to confuse them, Gunnera manicata is the most common one sold in garden centres where as Gunnera tinctoria is the one often found in the wild and has become very invasive and is hated and feared by many in the west of Ireland.

The one I have photographed here is the Gunnera manicata also known as Giant Rhubarb or Dinosaur Food.

This impressive deciduous perennial will eventually produce huge displays of massive dark green lobed foliage, so you need plenty of space! The architectural leaves grow up to 6 feet across. They are rounded and deeply toothed, and sit atop prickly stalks that extend to 10 feet tall and form giant clumps. Gunnera manicata produces large, bottle-brush spikes of tiny reddish-green florets in the spring. It looks best planted near water in an informal semi natural setting.

An established Gunnera manicata can grow amazingly quickly in the spring as the shoots appear from the crown, this is one reason why they need to grow in a moist soil full or organic matter to supply a steady supply of water to fuel such a high rate of growth. On a warm spring day you can watch the amazing growth of a Gunnera over just a few hours as the leaves unfold and the stems extend and its gigantic green leaves spared out, creating fantastic solar collectors. The leaves’ undersides are also covered with spikes, as are the leaf stalks. The upper surface of each leaf is heavily textured, and the leaf’s contoured shape serves to catch and channel water to the plant’s roots.

At the macro-/microscopic level, when growing in nitrogen deficient soil, Gunnera manicata plants develop stem glands. The plants then form a symbiotic relationship with a nitrogen-fixing Cyanobacteria (Nostoc punctiforme). The bacteria enter the plant through these stem glands found at the bases of leaf stalks and then trigger an intracellular symbiosis, giving the plant fixed nitrogen in return for taking some of its fixed carbon for the bacteria’s metabolism. This “in-between-plant-cells interaction” is unique in higher plants, and may help plant scientists initiate novel symbioses between crop plants and cyanobacteria—allowing specific plants to grow in areas lacking fixed nitrogen in the soil. At present, Gunnera is the only genus of angiosperms (flowering plants) known to host Cyanobacteria (formerly called Blue-Green Algae)

The Alien Invasion

So the other day when on an Irish gardeners forum, I came across a question posted by a user on When is the best time to cut the leaves off a Gunnera to place over the crown to protect from frost? (Best just to fold the dead leaves over the crown, if you are wondering)

What amazed me was some of the replies he got. He was told by one user that Gunnera is an invasive species and that he should remove and destroy the plants he has immediately. Another person wanted to know why the Dept. of Agriculture does not demand licences for having them on a premises. Well I could give you some more examples, but I think it is safe to say that there are some strong opinions out there. So before people start declaring all out war on the Gunnera, it needs to be said that it is the Gunnera tinctoria that is the invasive variety and not the larger Gunnera manicata.

This is of course an easy mistake to make when you see pictures like this.

The Gunnera tinctoria is however becoming a serious problem for many people in the milder west cost of Ireland and there are some people who believe that As soon as the average temperature goes up just 1 degree, Gunnera will take off right over Ireland, and that we will be beating them back to get in our front door.
Gunnera tinctoria  outside Kildavnet Tower on Achill Island, County Mayo

Here is my (slightly dramatised) depiction of what a global invasion my look like.

On a more serious note,
In New Zealand, where it is also invasive, there have been experiments with several herbicides for a number of years and aerial spraying over large areas has been conducted. The New Zealand Department of Conservation (DoC) have reported their suggestions on the control of Gunnera tinctoria.

Letterfrack area of Co. Galway.

Mayo County Council, the Heritage Council, National Parks and Wildlife Services, the Biodiversity Fund and UCD have jointly funded a project to carry out experiments on the development of measures for the control of G. tinctoria.
Alongside the experiments a mapping project of Achill Island is being conducted. The mapping will provide a baseline for future projects to monitor its spread and the success of control. It will provide an insight into the habitats at risk of invasion, its means of spread and where prevention could be introduced as a means of control.

So hopefully I don’t get any angry emails form anyone for mentioning Gunneras or that I have ruined Sting’s ‘Englishman in New York’ song. Apologies in advance, I am not saying that everyone should run to there garden centres and get themselves a Gunnera plant, or that the global Gunnera invasion will or won’t happen. All I’m saying is good or bad, I think that the Gunnera manicata is a beautiful plant to admire.

Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design with Natural Daylight, New York

Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design - Front Desk, New York
A modern office interior design, these beautiful office is the office of  Seyfarth Shaw LLP, designed by Gensler, a law firm's office with 100,000 square feet on three floors of The New York Times Building. Gensler’s design accentuates transparency, capitalizing on the building’s glass curtain wall to maximize natural daylight and frame skyline views. Perimeter private offices feature clear glass fronts, and all workspaces have visual access to windows. Public areas feature a rich, warm palette of brown, white and deep red, with walnut, anigre and zebrawood. A great room on each practice floor provides a welcoming space for informal conversation or quiet reflection.

Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design - hallway, New York

Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design - hallway 2

Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design - front desk to meeting room

Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design - guest waiting room

Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design - meeting room

Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design - meeting room door

Seyfarth Shaw LLP Modern Office Interior Design - kitchen
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